The alternative to Freeze Concentration

TEC Square has developed an alternative to freeze concentration, which delivers the same level of quality at significantly lower capital investment, and lower operational costs. This concept, called “Low Impact Thermal Concentration”, has been proven in the field, and so far exceeds expectations for high value food products.
The Low-Impact Thermal Concentration process uses low temperature (thus “low impact”) thermal concentration. The process uses a short-path Rototherm evaporator, requiring the product only for a couple of minutes to be at processing temperature. Secondly, the Low Impact Thermal Concentration uses aroma recovery and aroma separation to enhance the taste profile exactly to the customer’s requirements.
Even though the process is officially called a thermal process, it is hardly possible to measure the impact of temperature on the product. Foremost, the process has low operational temperatures due to the applied vacuum. Furthermore, the technology of the evaporator design provides very quick processing conditions. As a result, the process has enormous advantages in start-up time, operational cost, and flexibility. Together with a vastly reduced investment cost, this alternative to the traditional Freeze Concentration proves to be a better or equal solution in all aspects.
Low-Impact Thermal Concentration – The alternative to Freeze Concentration
Characteristics and Advantages of our Low-Impact Thermal Concentration Technology
Characteristics | Advantages | |
Aroma Separation Technology | TEC Square uses a combination of a stripping column and stacked condensation column for aroma separation. We normally use steam as stripping medium, but other options are available as well. |
Concentration Technology | TEC Square uses Wiped Film evaporator technology (Rototherm, from Artisan industries) for efficient low temperature concentration. |
Standardization | We normally standardize aroma and extract straight in-line. This reduces viscosity protects aroma |
Process Temperatures | We can work at low process temperatures, guaranteeing a quality solution for temperature sensitive products |
Capital Expenditure | Higher capital expenditure as falling film evaporation technology. However, the process is developed for a higher quality segment. We aim to compete with Freeze Concentration technology. |
Operational Costs | Higher operational costs as falling film evaporation technology. We use 1 kg of steam for 1 kg of evaporation. However, the process is developed for a higher quality segment. We aim to compete with Freeze Concentration technology. |
Residence time | The product is normally only subjected to process conditions for a maximum of 10-20 minutes. As a result, this technology is in full production 30 minutes after start-up |
Maximum Concentration | Rototherm technology can evaporate up to very high concentrations. 60-70% TS are not uncommon. Depending on the quantity of aroma, the final product can easily be standardized at 60% TS. |
Product Losses | Very low product losses at high concentrations. The Rototherm technology has hardly any fouling. |
CIP | Easy and straight forward CIP. Fully automated solutions are possible |